Enjoy Elba and The Tuscan Archipelago is carrying forward the experience of Enjoy Elba, including the other six pearls of the Tyrrhenian Sea: Capraia, Gorgona, Giglio, Giannutri, Montecristo and Pianosa. The magazine started as a dream, a desire to recount and reveal this unique, beautiful land where history, the landscape, the people, the products of the earth and of the sea are and always have been generous.
The Tuscan Islands are full of delights, from every point of view: we are happy to accompany you on this journey to discover ancient lands, through the tastes, the authenticity, the emotions, the uncontaminated environment, the biodiversity, the well-being, the artistic and cultural impressions.
Travel with us!
We are the first magazine to focus on the Islands of the Tuscan Archipelago, the seven pearls, each one equally rich even if different, treasure chests of history, culture, landscapes and beauty, the crossroads of sea routes from ancient times, the meeting point for Mediterranean peoples.
Do you want to travel with us? The paper magazine can be requested from the publisher SIMTUR by writing to enjoy@simtur.it. The cost is € 6.00 (six.00) plus shipping costs in case of sending. You can find it in bookstores and newsstands on Elba, at CONAD points on the island and other retailers. Our partners also make available some copies that they have purchased to distribute to their customers. The web version can be downloaded with the QR Code that you will find on the ferries of the Blu Navy shipping company or on the Autolinee Toscane vehicles that travel on Elba. Our partners also display the QR Code to read it for free. Happy reading.
ISBN: 9-791298-515109
To imagine your journey, you can browse through the online version where we have opened a new item dedicated to traditional recipes, “Fornelli e Fantasia” (Cooking and Fantasy). Find us also on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
Enjoy yourselves!
Comments, suggestions, article proposals for the next issue that will be released in spring 2025 are welcome by writing to info@enjoyelba.eu
Portoferraio, 23rd July. The magazine is celebrating its seventh edition with friends, photographers, authors, collaborators, supporters and authorities at the Headquarters of the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago in Enfola (Portoferraio).
The editor of the magazine, Patrizia Lupi explains: “The presentation of the magazine is an opportunity for the various stakeholders to discuss the sustainable development of Elba and its Archipelago, from different points of view, social, cultural, environmental and economic. Our pages welcome contributions from experts, writers and journalists, people involved in the Voluntary Sector, researchers, citizens, photographers who document the Tuscan Islands and their communities from different viewpoints. Beautiful, fragile islands with a wealth of places and people, know-how, traditions, projects, ideas, emotions. The magazine was created to highlight the things that attract thousands of tourists every year, but above all, to narrate the soul of the islands, the stories and the people who risk being forgotten, the lesser-known places, starting with the inland villages, where nature coexists in harmony with human presence and the opportunities for hospitality that the Archipelago offers the whole year round.“
The underlying theme of the 2024 edition is that of tradition, in particular rural culture. This is echoed on the cover which depicts the harvest of the Aleatico grape. The articles invite the reader to search around and taste the local products, to discover the producers and those who process their produce, to sample the typical dishes. It is a suggestion for tourism based on visible quality, well-being, genuine and authentic.
A parallel theme is social sustainability, intergenerational dialogue, volunteering and the value of the active participation of citizens who are the first ambassadors of their land, to make Elba hospitable even for those who live in unfavourable circumstances. As always, some articles focus on the environment and environmental education, while the lifestyle section reports on the many and varied cultural, sporting, artistic and recreational activities that animate the islands.
For information: info@enjoyelba.eu - Patrizia Lupi Phone. 3396974753
Portoferraio, 27th June, 2024. Elba and the Islands of the Archipelago are part of that heritage of small islands that are dotted around the Mediterranean. Nowadays, they are coveted tourist destinations, but from the most distant past, they were strategic landmarks for the routes that linked the shores of that sea that has been the cradle of the most ancient civilizations. They have plenty of tales to tell. The Tuscan Islands are much more that only their beaches and their sea with these incredible shades of blue. They are a unique experience, a treasure trove of culture, of knowledge, traditions and crafts, people who have inhabited and still inhabit them now. They are places with deep-rooted identities, age-old history, with villages and hamlets to discover and a unique, unrivalled geological and natural heritage.
The Enjoy Elba and the Tuscan Archipelago magazine began 7 years ago to accompany readers on this journey of discovery and excitement. It feels similar to a guidebook but is also a collection of stories and testimonies, its target not only tourism. Enjoy keeps a balance between articles of a cultural and scientific nature with hospitality suggestions or local producers, always in the name of excellence and good taste.
This year, the main theme is ‘roots’ and ‘memory’. Not to look at the past with nostalgia, but to treasure it and make it a source of emotions for all the guests and travellers who decide to choose Elba as their destination. Slow tourism, nourished by feelings and wonder, enriching those who know how to look at the beauty that changes with every season and hides in the most unusual places, in the people one meets.
Numerous journalists, artists, writers, pen-friends and poets have contributed to the 2024 edition. Many photographers accompanied the words with the loving gaze of their images. Many have believed in our ‘showcase’ to tell us about their activities. To them and to all those who keep us company every year in this editorial adventure, a sincere thank you from the editorial staff. To request it, please write to the Editor at enjoy@simtur.eu
Portoferraio, 8th July, 2024 The seventh edition of Enjoy Elba and The Tuscan Archipelago was presented in Florence on Thursday 11th July, at 13.00, in the headquarters of the Regional Council in Via Cavour 4. The magazine tells the story of the Tuscan Islands, revealing their most hidden corners, thumbing through books and historical archives, examining its bio and geo diversity under the microscope. Without losing sight of current events, its sections are dedicated to lifestyle, hospitality, food and wine. In the six sections of the magazine, with its 96 articles thanks to the collaboration of over thirty authors, over forty photographers, the identity of Elba and the other islands of the Archipelago is described: a journey to discover the most hidden corners and the lesser-known stories. The main theme of the 2024 edition is tradition, in particular rural culture, inviting the reader to seek out and taste the local products, discover the producers and those who do the processing. Food is culture but also care for the environment and know-how handed down through generations. A parallel theme is that of social sustainability , intergenerational dialogue, voluntary work and the value of active citizen participation, making Elba hospitable even for those in less fortunate circumstances.
The Islands, by their very nature, offer breathtaking landscapes and environments of rare beauty, but an area is only welcoming when, alongside the beauty, you can experience emotions in the name of health and psychophysical well-being. As always, some articles focus on the environment and environmental education, while the lifestyle section reports on the many and varied cultural, sporting, artistic and recreational activities.
“Tourism demand has changed,” comments the director Patrizia Lupi, “evolving towards experiential travel, in the name of originality, uniqueness, authenticity and genuineness. But there is also greater attention to safety, hygiene, health, sustainability and outdoor activities, requirements that characterize the hospitality of the Tuscan Islands, still rich in places where nature coexists in harmony with human presence. The challenge for the Island of Elba and the other Pearls of the Tyrrhenian Sea is to create a short reception chain that integrates sea and land, landscape and identity, culture and recreation, entertainment and nature, flavours and experiences, memories and looking towards the future, qualified employment and quality of service, network culture and cooperation, innovation and digitalization, economic development and social inclusion, accessibility and usability. Enjoy Elba would like to be, if not a protagonist, then a spokesman for this challenge”..
For information: info@enjoyelba.eu – Patrizia Lupi Phone 3396974753 – www.enjoyelb.eu
Everyone has a dream to fulfill, often closed away in a drawer or deliberately forgotten due to lack of time. Mine dates back to 1990 when, young and inexperienced, I believed that I could impose quality and excellence everywhere on the territory. Many years have passed, thousands of uncorked bottles, many errors and sins of presumption, but also many certainties and important experiences. The right time has come, the drawer of memories has reopened, the dream has taken shape and Enjoy Elba has been created.
Elban enough to recognize myself in the steep, rugged landscapes of the Island but Livornese enough and curious to discover different people and places, Islander enough to search everywhere for clear sea horizons, I wanted to give back what elsewhere had taught me, back to the Rock. Journalist and Communication and Marketing expert, business executive, on the Island, I found unexplored places coloured with wonder, tenacious, talented people, able to look beyond and to test themselves, memories confirmed by old photographs or legends, the history of my family that I recognize in the faces I meet. I live a good part of the year on Elba where I take part in the social and cultural life of the Island, sharing my love for this land of the sea and its neighbouring sisters, these treasures of beauty, with both Elbans and visitors.
I am an avid reader, a reflective thinker and an eternal traveller. As a consequence, a writer. A publisher for passion with the publishing house Mobility Books of the Simtur - an Association of professionals in sustainable tourism. I was born in Venice and am a public manager with over 25 years of experience in many regions of Italy and in Europe. I deal with the enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage, not only as essential factors of our national heritage but as strategic resources for ecological change and sustainable development. I defined this as "Beauty Economy" in 2015, receiving national and international awards and recognition. Places, people and cultural diversity fascinate me and I cannot stop writing about them. To narrate, but also to transfer skills and experiences to the Italians of today and of tomorrow.
Owner of “Infoelba”: the company, made up of experts in the IT and communication sector is able to provide a wide range of services, from the creation of dynamic, modern, multilingual web portals, to the development of apps for smartphones and tablets.
©Alessandro Beneforti
Phoft Studio - www.benefortiphoto.net
Born in Sicily in the mid-sixties and despite having had a camera as a present when I was 16, it has only really been a decade since I approached the magical world of photography. I attended various photographic courses, taking part in Workshops including one directed by the photographer Sara Munari. I have collaborated in the creation of collective and personal photographic exhibitions dealing with delicate social issues such as violence against women and the problem of cancer. From this passion of mine and following a photographic project of mine, the “Diversamente Sani” association was formed, which later became an ONLUS (non-profit organization) with which I constantly collaborate, making video and photographic projects. Photography requires technical know-how of the equipment, however, I do believe that there are not many who are able to tell and convey emotions through photographic language.
The passion for words was born before the paths of life took me to other roads, always in contact with the world. Having grown up in the editorial staff of some maritime magazines, a professional field that I love and where I currently work, today I dedicate myself to journalism out of curiosity and the desire to always discover something new, to enrich my personal knowledge. Writing about Elba, where I spent my childhood, gives me back something of my roots and looking at the islands from the Livorno coast makes me feel at home: a small universe within reach.
A proud Scot, born in Edinburgh, married to an Italian, two fantastic children and have lived on this beautiful island of Elba for 45 years. I have spent many years teaching and examining students of English all over Tuscany. I have often been asked to translate articles and have enjoyed this challenge. My love for languages and love for this wonderful island have been brought together in this, my latest adventure. Enjoy Elba and the Tuscan Archipelago!
I have always lived on Elba, happy to have landed on this rock when only a few months old, learning to love its ever-changing landscapes, its nature full of surprises, scents that change with the seasons. Simply by searching for its most hidden corners, by sea and by land, I have learned to see it with new eyes, giving due importance to details, shades, the play of light, the movement of the wind on the waves or among the trees. The sea with its underwater life takes on a particular charm, like a world to be unveiled. From here it was a short step to photography. I discovered this art only a year ago and through images, I try to describe my emotions, to arouse them in the person viewing, because he too, like me, can learn to love these islands and to respect their beauty.
My love for Elba, for sport and for photography are the driving force behind by desire to discover every corner of the Island as soon as I have some free time. For twenty years now, both on foot and by bike, I always have my camera just a click away. As a second level MTB instructor for the Italian Mountain Bike Association, my CAI card, I love walking and hiking, I organize events, excursions, outdoor activities all in the name of health and well-being, living the beauty of the landscapes that change colour according to the seasons. I collaborate with some magazines, sharing my shots and I love to create films and video documents that I publish on the main social networks to add value to this unique, fascinating land.
He is a photographer of nature and landscapes and has loved Elba since he came here at the age of three: his eyes barely open to the world, never ceasing to fill with wonder at the beauty around him. Born in Germany to Italian parents, he lives and works on Elba where he recognizes every nuance of colour and light. Over time, he has refined increasingly sophisticated techniques and continues experimenting with new ones, from macro to telephoto lens to capture that moment that feels eternal. For him, photography is more than anything, sentiment and magic: capable of stopping time, it leaves intact and incorruptible that precise instant in the constant process of change, called life. Heart, intelligence, glance and technique are the ingredients for each of his shots. What he does not say in words, he expresses, generously sharing with everyone, through his images.
Gaetano Triscari is an Italian photographer born in Bronte in 1980. From a young age, he nurtured a strong passion for photography and dedicated more and more time to this art, investing in a studio and photographic equipment. On Elba, where he lives, he has found the right training ground for taking photos of landscapes and nature. Fascinated by the Island itself and its atmospheric events, he loves to capture unique and ‘epic’ moments when nature unleashes all its power: lightning strikes in the black skies of thunderstorms, rough seas that shape the rocks, breathtaking sunrises and sunsets. By immortalizing the beauty of nature on Elba, he has been published in prestigious magazines such as The National Geographic Traveler, N-Photography and the Corriere della Sera. His works have been shown in numerous exhibitions and he has received much acclaim. Since 2017, he has been working as a professional photographer alongside his main activity. His most significant projects include photographic series of sunsets from Volterraio Castle, sunrises from the Forte Stella lighthouse and some of the spectacular storms at sea around the Scoglietto lighthouse. If you see someone wandering around on Mone Capanne in the early morning, it is likely to be him: he enjoys starting his photographic excursions in the dark to catch the sunrise from the highest peak in the province of Livorno.
My name is Daniela and I was born in Munich in April. In August of that year, my parents, who have been in love with the Island of Elba since the fifties, brought me to this rock for the first time. Since then, I have spent all my holidays on Elba, never missing one, learning to swim in Spartaia, playing tennis in Procchio, becoming an ice-cream taster and a Tuscan cooking enthusiast, and I met my first love in Redinoce. My daughter, Clara, has also grown up travelling between Munich and Elba and now my one-year-old granddaughter Rita is already familiar with the thousand colours of the Elban sea and the scents of the countryside. Since I retired, I manage to come to the island even more often, in every season. Every month holds new surprises for me and I love discovering Elba right down to the last stone, walking along its pathways, taking in the breathtaking landscapes. I am pleased to be on the editorial staff and to be able to make a contribution in words to Enjoy Elba, a treasure chest of valuable information which deserves to be browsed and read by my fellow compatriots. Enjoy gives everyone, including the people of Elba, the opportunity to discover ancient stories and lesser-known personalities who have frequented the ‘Rock’, to find their way along a thousand pathways in a natural environment that is, as yet, unspoilt, to get to know and take part in the life of this community by sharing its values, memories and plans for its future.
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Lorella Alderighi, Maria Ines Aliverti, Giovanna Amorosi, Elvira Arnaldi, Jacqueline Braschi, Rossana Bravo, Massimiliano Burelli, Maurizio Burlando, Angelino Carta, Maria Gisella Catuogno, Federico Massimo Ceschin, Aurora Ciardelli, Giulio Colombo, Paolo Ferruzzi, Silvestre Ferruzzi, Luca Foresi, Gian Mario Gentini, Giuditta Grandinetti, Ilaria Leonelli, Giada Lottini, Antonio Lupi, Patrizia Lupi, Silvestro Mellini, Manrico Murzi, Paola Muscari, Pietro Pacciardi, Lucia Paoli, Marisa Sardi, Alessandro Talini, Roberto Valentino, Gianfranco Vanagolli, Vetrina Toscana, Toscana Promozione Turistica
Lorella Alderighi, Archivio Gio' Pomodoro, Associazione Astrofili Elbani, Associazione Diversamente Sani, Associazione Generazione Mare, Associazione Le Macinelle, Blu Navy Compagnia di Navigazione, Cesvot, Stefano Cipriani, Maria Luisa De Filippis, Marta Del Bono, Franco De Simone, Niccolò Falaschi, Rossella Farinotti, Patricia Finlayson, Fondazione Exodus – La Mammoletta - Luca Foresi, Fondazione Acqua dell’Elba, Fondazione Isola d’Elba, Foolbite Communication, Luca Maria Foresi, Carlo Gasparri, Alessandro Gentini, Giuditta Grandinetti, Fabio Guidi, Francesca Innocenti, Norman La Rocca, Infoelba srl, Susy Macchioni, Caterina Mantovani, Marco Mantovani, Giulia Marchetti, Paolo Martino, Gian Mario Meletti Cavallari, Fondazione Giovanni Michelucci, Silvestro Mellini, Martina Minuti, Luca Morace, Daniela Mugnai, Fabio Murzi, Tiziano Nocentini, Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano, Lucia Paoli, Renzo Paoli, Stanislao Pecchioli, Emiliano Provenzali, Giuseppe “Peppe” Puccini, Clementina Ricci, Rosalba Risalti, Jolanda Rizzi, Walter Rossi, Simona Sardi, Armando Schiaffino, Alessandro Scotto, Francesco Tapinassi, Walter Tripicchio, Toscana Promozione Turistica, Roberto Valentino, Vetrina Toscana.
Un ringraziamento speciale va ai ragazzi de La Mammoletta - Fondazione Exodus
ADSP Alto Tirreno, Andrea Amato, Daniele Anichini, Archivio Carlo Gasparri, Archivio Enjoy Elba, Federico Ballati, Maria Giusi Canova, Aurora Ciardelli, Diamant Dedja, Gian Mario Gentini, Fabio Guidi, Francesco Lascialfari, Valentina Locci, Giacomo Luperini, Patrizia Lupi, Antonello Marchese, Marevivo Elba, Francesco Marino, Nena&Tomy Fotografi, Daniela Nizzoli, Loris Pacchiarini, Simona Sardi, Armando Schiaffino, Emanuele Scelza, Andre Silingardi, Alessandro Talini, Claudio Tombelli, Gaetano Triscari, Tenuta delle Ripalte, Mariella Ugolini, Fabio Verdura, Vetrina Toscana
Cover photo: Francesco Lascialfari
Magazine photos: Andre Silingardi, Gaetano Triscari, Paolo Calcara, Federico Ballati.